VIP Club Scene Magazine
4:10:20 PM - 05 27, 2024
4:10:20 PM - 05 27, 2024

On this Memorial Day, we look to the future of our national security. A new era has begun with the addition of the United States Space Force to our Armed Forces, dedicated to protecting our species beyond the atmosphere of Earth.

With a budget of $30 billion a year, the Space Force will oversee all space activities, ensuring that space law is upheld as humanity reaches for the stars and begins to colonize other planets. In a world where the threat of war is ever-present, we must be vigilant against new forms of interference—whether it’s the tampering with our satellites, the smuggling of contraband, or other outlaw activities.

The creation of the Space Force marks an Armstrong step in securing not just our nation, but the edge of our blue and green surface. As we remember those who have fallen, we also commit to safeguarding their legacy by defending our freedoms on Earth and beyond…

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On this Memorial Day, we look to the future of our national security. A new era has begun with the addition of the United States Space Force to our Armed Forces, dedicated to protecting our species beyond the atmosphere of Earth.

With a budget of $30 billion a year, the Space Force will oversee all space activities, ensuring that space law is upheld as humanity reaches for the stars and begins to colonize other planets. In a world where the threat of war is ever-present, we must be vigilant against new forms of interference—whether it’s the tampering with our satellites, the smuggling of contraband, or other outlaw activities.

The creation of the Space Force marks an Armstrong step in securing not just our nation, but the edge of our blue and green surface. As we remember those who have fallen, we also commit to safeguarding their legacy by defending our freedoms on Earth and beyond…